nbn™ Fixed Line Services (FTTN/ FTTB / FTTC)

nbn™ Fixed Line services are by far the most common connections in Australia.
There are three different connection types that fall under Fixed Line services:

Fibre to the Node (FTTN)
Your service connects via traditional copper phone cable between your premises and a nbn™ node cabinet located somewhere in your street or suburb. The node is where the service is handed over to the fibre network. This type of service is also typically called VDSL. It differs from ADSL in that the actual distance the copper line travels before connecting to the node is far less than ADSL, and the vectoring technology that makes up this service offers much greater speed.

Fibre to the Building (FTTB)
Typically found in larger residential apartment complexes businesses, where nbn™ Fibre is connected to the basement or communications room. Individual apartments or units will connect to the service using the existing copper phone cabling to the basement. It works much the same way as FTTN, except the service terminates within the building not elsewhere.

Fibre to the Curb (FTTC)
A newer type of connection where nbn™ Fibre is layed in the street, but not directly connected to your home or business. Instead, a Distribution Point Unit (DPU) is installed in the telecommunications pit outside your home, which connects both the optic fibre and your copper line. An nbn™ connection box (NTD) is provided to you to connect to your existing telephone socket which powers the DPU. You simply connect your wireless router to the NTD to get online.

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Prior to connecting you to any nbn™ Fixed Line service. AUS Internet will conduct a service qualification check to ensure your copper line is able to support the connection speed requested.

Since Fixed Line services use a Multi-Mix technology of Copper and Fibre, in some cases the quality of the connection may be impacted by the condition of the copper line and the wiring within your premises.

There is no cost to connect to a nbn™ Fixed line service, unless we specify otherwise. This may be the case if you elect to connect a service to a non-active copper pair, or wish to install a secondary service to your premises. Initial connection to any premises is generally always provided at no cost by nbn™. If you have any questions our friendly team are always here to help!