nbn™ SkyMuster Plus & SkyMuster Premium
nbn SkyMuster Plus & SkyMuster Premium plans offer great value for money with unlimited data plans starting at only $59/mth with no contracts or cost of purchasing any hardware. This allows you more flexibility with your internet plan, at a capped monthly cost, and no surprises.
Standard installation of a nbn™ SkyMuster or SkyMuster Plus service is completely free. When you choose to connect, no matter where you ate located in Australia, AUS Internet will arrange for a nbn™ approved installer to come and facilitate the connection for you. This involves the installation of a satellite dish and a nbn™ connection box (NTD). You’ll simply need a wireless router to begin using your service once it is installed and activated. If you don’t already have a router, you can order one from us.

Our Packages
Choose your nbn™ SkyMuster Premium plan
Unlimited data all day, everyday. Choose your speed tier.
All of your online data will be completely un-metered including video streaming. This product is great for families or screen hungry kids! This means no need to worry about your usage or running out of data. Upload speed is limited making it less ideal for those users relying on business based or cloud based applications, or those who send large files. The SkyMuster Plus plans may be better suited to you – see below.

- Unlimited Data - All Day - 24/7 including Video Streaming & VPN
- Maximum Speed 25/5mbps
- Ideal for singles & couples
Typical Evening Speed

- Unlimited Data - All Day - 24/7 including Video Streaming & VPN
- Maximum Speed 50/5mbps
- Suits small to medium households
Typical Evening Speed

- Unlimited Data - All Day - 24/7 including Video Streaming & VPN
- Maximum Speed 100/10mbps
- Suits medium to large households
Typical Evening Speed
Choose your nbn™ SkyMuster Plus plan
Capped Peak time Video Streaming & VPN - but faster upload
Most of your online data will be un-metered. Un-metered simply means that the data is not counted toward your plan data limits (unlimited). All data during Off Peak hours is un-metered – including video streaming!! This is between Midnight and 4pm. However during Peak hours (4pm to Midnight), some data does count toward your plan’s included data limit, primarily Video Streaming & VPN – We call this ‘metered data’ (see below). Once your metered data limit included in your Peak time is reached services considered as metered will be slowed to 256kbps. Un-metered data is not affected if your metered data runs out. Plus plans offer a download speed up to 50mbps and an upload speed of up to 20mbps

- Unlimited Off-Peak Data (inc streaming)
- Unlimited Peak Data* with 50Gb metered data allowance from 4pm to Midnight
- Maximum Speed 50/20mbps
- Ideal for lite streamers
Typical Evening Speed

- Unlimited Off-Peak Data (inc streaming)
- Unlimited Peak Data* with 100Gb metered data allowance from 4pm to Midnight
- Maximum Speed 50/20mbps
- Ideal for moderate streamers
Typical Evening Speed

- Unlimited Off-Peak Data (inc streaming)
- Unlimited Peak Data* with 150Gb metered data allowance from 4pm to Midnight
- Maximum Speed 50/20mbps
- Ideal for heavier streamers
Typical Evening Speed
SkyMuster Plus Metered vs Un-Metered
Un-metered Data (all day everyday)
- Web Browsing
- Emails
- Wi-Fi Calling & VoIP
- Video Calling (eg. FaceTime, Skype, Zoom)
- Audio Streaming (eg. Spotify, iTunes)
- Embedded video on Social Media^
- File Sharing (eg. OneDrive, DropBox)**
- Operating System Updates
- Application Updates
- Online Gaming
- Gaming Software Updates*
- Distance Education
- Peer to Peer Traffic
Metered Data (4pm to Midnight)*
- Video Streaming (eg. Netflix, Foxtel, Youtube etc)
- Virtual Private Networks (VPN)
- Unclassified Data
- Tik Tok
** Gaming, software updates, game console updates & file sharing platforms maybe subject to shaping between the hours of 4pm and Midnight where nbn deems excessive use on its network.
^ Includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr & LinkedIn. Embedded video in other applications is metered
I already have SkyMuster - Can I upgrade?
Yes, if you already have nbn™ SkyMuster , you can connect to our SkyMuster Plus or Premium products without needing to change any equipment, or needing to have a technician attend your premises. Changing over is as simple as contacting us or completing an online order!
Can I change my plan between Plus & Premium
Yes, plan changes for satellite products take place on the 1st day of each new month inline with your monthly billing. Simply let us know before the month changes and we can change your plan.